Hi everyone,

Here we are almost through July. What a year this one has proven to be, sometimes we are left to wonder what the rest of the year holds for us. I like to think better things are coming, and that we just need to look ahead and do our best to not let the unknown scare us too much. I know for me I intend to just hang in there and continue on as before, but make the necessary changes in our lifestyle and the way we go about our everyday lives, taking one day at a time and enjoying every moment regardless of the negativity that tries to sneak it’s way in.

So that being said, what have I been up to lately? Yep the usual busy busy making items and learning some new and interesting crafts, the plan is to make some shawl/scarf pins, I will keep you informed about my progress with this. Like anything new that I try sometimes I find I can take hold of what I have learnt, put it into practice and run with it, other times it’s just a straight out fizzer. I haven’t worked with clay much and never with oven baked items so this is going to be fun to say the least.

I was given a bit of a challenge a couple of months ago, where my eldest son requested a crocheted elephant head rug, it was fun to make a bit scary sewing together, but with the assistance of my husband Steve who makes sure things like eyes etc are straight, everything went well. He also requested a crocheted unicorn rug, which I am still to sew together. It was somewhat daunting to start with but ended up being a lot of fun. Alas the unicorn rug will more than likely never be a stocked item for me to sell due to the cost of materials and time involved in making it.

I have also spent some time during this past month going back to what used to be my first love “knitting”, I have some knitted scarf/shawls ready for blocking so hopefully soon you will get to see them. I am finding that the more I use Bendigo Woollen Mills wool & cottons the more I love them, and during this pandemic these guys have gone above and beyond supplying the multitudes here in Australia with yarn to keep us all occupied. Thanks guys and gals.

Apart from making things for my business I have been once again taking an interest in our gardens, we have been in our current house for over 10 years and just haven’t done a lot with the gardens, apart from building shade houses and hot houses for our much loved orchids. Amazing how one shade house suddenly grew into 4 and 2 hothouses. Anyway, sidetracked yet again. Since september last year we started to grow our own vegies again, due to the ultra hot spring and summer we had, things didn’t grow as well as planned but not a total loss, thankfully the autumn winter crops are doing so much better. Loving the planning and planting redoing and revamping. Gotta love the outdoors.

Hoping to get more items online very soon, one (me) doesn’t (didn’t) stop to think about how much is takes to get items listed. Although lucky for me each step is interesting and different, and has been a huge learning curve. We ask for patience while we continue to get items added. Time management hasn’t been my strong point, but it really is going to have to be put at the top of my list of improvements. So my apologies to you all, looking forward to catching you on the flip side.

So as to not bore you all too much, I will leave you with that and go and feed my hoard of 2.



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